Wednesday, July 31, 2019

George Washington Most Significant Domestic Accomplishment History Essay

Most important domestic achievement: Washington ‘s most important domestic achievement was to be elected the first president of the United States, every bit good as to be the lone president to be voted in nem con. Twice. The ground I chose this as his domestic achievement is because he set the criterion for future presidents. Most important foreign achievement: Washington ‘s most important foreign achievement was his dedication to neutrality. This disquieted some in France, who felt that they were owed something from the United States. Even during his Farwell reference he warned against going entangled in foreign personal businesss. The ground I chose this as his foreign achievement is because the US was already exhausted after the radical war, and if it were n't for Washington ‘s policy of neutrality, the US could hold been ruined. Economic Policy: Washington ‘s economic policy was centered on refunding Revolutionary War debts, and stabilising the US ‘ economic system. One illustration of this is the creative activity of the first National Bank in 1791, every bit good as the creative activity of the US Mint. Besides, during Washington ‘s presidential term duties were raised in order to assist pay for the war. Washington and Alexander Hamilton ( Treasury secretary ) set the foundation for economic programs in the hereafter. Major Events: Major events include forming the executive subdivision, the confirmation of the Bill of Rights, and set uping the US Federal Judiciary. Most of the major events during Washington ‘s presidential term involved set uping or forming. Again, Washington ‘s presidential term set the foundation for future presidents to come. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction Washington ‘s presidential term was the fact that he was the first president. Washington did n't hold anyone to look back on, or anyone to speak to that had more experience than he did. The authorities model that we have today did n't be back so, he was the 1 that had to set up it. Other Info: George Washington ‘s award is exemplified by the fact that he could hold remained president for every bit long as he wanted to, yet he left after his two footings were up. Washington was an honest, hardworking president, who set the model for the authorities that we know and love ( detest? ) today.John Adams ( 1797-1801 )Most important domestic achievement: Adams ‘ most important domestic achievement was the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts. These Acts of the Apostless were four measures passed in 1798. They included the Naturalization Act and the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act made it a offense to print false or malicious Acts of the Apostless against the authorities. Most important foreign achievement: Adam ‘s most important foreign achievement was maintaining the United States out of the Napoleonic Wars ( Britain v. France ) . The ground this is important because the United States was still retrieving from the radical war, and fall ining in with either Britain or France would hold torn the state apart every bit good as bankrupted it. The hazard for war was particularly high when France began prehending American merchandiser vass. Economic Policy: John Adams was a Federalist, so he believed in bigger authorities and higher revenue enhancements. Adams did n't truly hold any important achievements in the economic field, as he was merely the 2nd president of the United States. Major Events: Major events during Adam ‘s Presidency include the Alien Sedition Acts, the initiation of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, naming John Marshall to the Supreme Court, and stoping the war in France through diplomatic negotiations. Another major event was Adams ‘ midnight assignments of Judgess to the Supreme Court. Major Obstacles: Adams had to follow the great lead of George Washington. Besides, he had to take whether to back up Britain or France in the Napoleonic wars. Other Info: One interesting fact about John Adams is that he was a attorney for the British Soldiers accused of opening fire on a crowd of Americans during the Boston slaughter. Adams and the officers won. After supporting BRITISH, John Adams still made it to the United States Presidency.Thomas Jefferson ( 1801-1809 )Most important domestic achievement: Jefferson ‘s most of import domestic achievement was geting the Louisiana Territory through the Louisiana Purchase. Since Jefferson was a rigorous constitutionalist, there needed to be a particular amendment drafted to give Congress power to buy the district. The district was purchased from the Gallic in 1803 for $ 15 million. Most important foreign achievement: Jefferson ‘s most important foreign achievement was the trade stoppage act of 1807. The act was put in topographic point following the Chesapeake-Leopard incident, where the American Chesapeake refused to subject to a hunt from the British Leopard. The act cut off American trade to Britain and France. Runner ups include the dialogue for the Louisiana district in France and staying comparatively impersonal in Europe. Economic Policy: Jefferson ‘s Economic policy was designed to extinguish American national debt. Jefferson felt that the United States did non necessitate to keep a national debt, and he besides repealed many Federalist revenue enhancements. One of the revenue enhancements repealed was the Whiskey revenue enhancement, which prompted the whiskey rebellion during Washington ‘s Presidency. Major Events: Major events include the Louisiana Purchase, the repealing of Federalist revenue enhancements, an effort to extinguish the national debt, and the beginning of Indian resettlement. Major Obstacles: Most of the major obstructions faced by Jefferson were due to the fact that the United States authorities was still immature. His biggest obstruction was taking all of the thoughts that were thought up before the revolution and do them concrete through Torahs and statute law. His presidential term tested how a philosopher such as Jefferson would work as a politician. Other Info: Thomas Jefferson undertook the battle against Adams ‘ midnight assignments. As you will remember, before John Adams left office he made legion midnight assignments, and these disquieted Jefferson. Jefferson worked difficult to take these assignments, and by making so left many Federalists without occupations. Jefferson besides fought against the creative activity of the first bank of the United States.James Madison ( 1809-1817 )Most important domestic achievement: Madison ‘s most important domestic achievement was eventually guaranting the People of the United States that independency from Britain had eventually been to the full reached. This happened after the war of 1812, in which we fought the British for the last clip in history, and for the 2nd clip in history we won. Most important foreign achievement: Madison ‘s most of import foreign achievement was the war of 1812. The war of 1812 was seen as a 2nd war for independency by some, and truly so. The war started because British naval officers would seek US ships and affect any British crewmans found on board. This, along with trade issues and other things caused tenseness between the United States and Britain. The war started in 1812 and lasted until 1815. The war was fought on land every bit good as on sea. Most of the combat on land was centered on the US Canada boundary line, and in the southern provinces. The ocean contending took topographic point on the Atlantic. The war ended on February 16, 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent. The war ended in a deadlock. Economic Policy: Madison supported the Second Bank of the United States, every bit good as high duties to protect new industries developed during the war of 1812. Since during the war domestic industrial strength was necessary, it was built up. Madison did non desire that industry to vanish after the war, so he implemented high duties. Major Events: Major events include the war of 1812, the initiation of the 2nd bank of the United States, a duty hiking to protect industry, the beginning of the Era of Good Feelings, and the prostration of the Federalist Party. Major Obstacles: The largest obstruction to Madison ‘s presidential term was the war of 1812. Madison is frequently criticized by historiographers for non avoiding war in the first topographic point, and utilizing diplomatic negotiations alternatively. Other Info: James Madison was a president who frequently changed his sentiment on cardinal issues. A major illustration of this was Madison ‘s initial disfavor of the add-on of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution, until he changed his head and became the writer of the Bill of Rights.James Monroe ( 1817-1825 )Most important domestic achievement: Monroe ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the execution of the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise was an understanding passed in 1820 that banned slavery above Missouri ‘s southern boundary line. The via media came after Missouri ‘s application to the brotherhood was rejected as a slave province. The passing of the Missouri via media was a beginning to what would finally germinate into the Civil War, because it began the North/South – No Slave/ Slave division of the state. Most important foreign achievement: Monroe ‘s most important foreign achievement was the establishing of the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was put in topographic point in 1823 and fundamentally said that Europe was non welcome to come and colonise in the western hemisphere any longer, and that any effort at colonisation would be seen as a hostile act toward the United States, and would be dealt with quickly. The Monroe philosophy was a two sided trade though, so if Europe stayed out of America ‘s personal businesss, America would remain out of Europe ‘s personal businesss. Economic Policy: Monroe had troubles implementing economic policies because the terror of 1819 was doing a barbarous economic depression. This was the first major economic problem in the United States, so there were troubles in calculating out what to make about it. The crisis caused bank failures, foreclosures and unemployment ( sound familiar? ) . This was the terminal of the station war of 1812 growing. Monroe aided the economic system with Torahs like the Land Act of 1820 and the Relief Act of 1821. By 1823 the depression was over. Major Events: Major events include the Monroe Doctrine, the terror of 1819, the Missouri issue, the Missouri Compromise, the epoch of good feelings, and assorted internal betterments like roads, toll-roads, and canals. Major Obstacles: The terror of 1819, as it was the US ‘ first major depression. Other Info: James Monroe ‘s most of import part to history was the Monroe Doctrine, which would be brought up infinite times in defence of states in the Western hemisphere, whether it be for their benefit or for ours.John Q Adams ( 1825-1829 )Most important domestic achievement: Adams ‘ most important domestic achievement was the development of the American system. The American system was a high duty that supported internal betterments such as roads and canals. Along with bettering the state ‘s substructure, the American system promoted a individual national currency and a national bank. Adam ‘s program was really ambitious, and because of this non all of his proposals were accepted, but some were. Most important foreign achievement: Adams did n't truly hold any major foreign achievements as president. This is because before he was elected president, he was secretary of province, and as such solved most of the foreign jobs that would hold come up during his presidential term. This does non intend that Adams had a bad foreign policy ; it merely means that he put out most of the fires before they started. Economic Policy: Adams ‘ economic policy was centered on his thought for the American system. This meant that a batch of money was spent on internal betterments to the state, such as the edifice of canals and roads. Some of the betterments include the building of Portland canal and Dismal Swam canal. Adams besides believed in a incorporate national currency every bit good as a national bank. Major Events: Major events include the development of the American system, the effort a incorporate national currency, the constitution of the National Republican Party, and the sign language into jurisprudence of the duty of abominations. Major Obstacles: Adams was a hardworking, loyal to his state adult male who had undeniable intelligence. On paper, these are great qualities for a president. Trouble was that Adams refused to play political relations, and he failed to construct a loyal following. Therefore, he was doomed when re-elections rolled around. Other Info: It was during Adams ‘ presidential term that the duty of abominations was signed into jurisprudence. The South did non like the duty because it put a high revenue enhancement on goods the part had to import. This duty would construct up to the nullification crisis of 1832.Andrew Jackson ( 1829-1837 )Most important domestic achievement: Jackson ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the peaceable declaration of the Nullification Crisis. The Nullification Crisis of came about as a consequence of the duty of abominations, which raised duties on goods that the South had to import. The issue started when South Carolina claimed it had a right to invalidate the duty of abominations. A series of menaces followed the claim, both on the presidents and South Carolina ‘s side. The crisis ended when a via media duty was agreed upon and South Carolina retracted its old statements. Most important foreign achievement: During Andrew Jackson ‘s presidential term, there were no wars or struggles in either Europe or America, so Jackson focused on work outing the state ‘s domestic jobs instead than foreign 1s. Economic Policy: Andrew Jackson is the lone president in American history to pay off the national debt. Besides, he was really against the national bank. Because of this ( after a immense battle ) he vetoed the Bankss re-charter in 1832. After the national bank was removed, province and local Bankss sprang up and began to impart money. The job was that the Bankss lent more money than they had endorsing for. This over loaning on the portion of province and local Bankss was a direct cause of the terror of 1837. Major Events: Major events include the paying off of national debt, the enlargement of the spoils system, the nullification crisis, the closing of the 2nd bank of the United States, the remotion of Indians, and the blackwash effort on Jackson. Major Obstacles: The largest obstruction faced by Jackson was the nullification crisis, and had it non been solved the manner it was, the United States could hold split. This was merely one more measure on the route to the civil war. Other Info: Jackson was seen as a common adult male president. On his startup twenty-four hours people were allowed into the White House, doing it a large party and destroying furniture and rugs.Martin Van Buren ( 1837-1841 )Most important domestic achievement: Van Buren was a president that inherited the economic meltdown that Jackson left after closing down the national bank. In response to the depression and economic meltdown, Van Buren created the Independent Treasury System. This system was created to maintain federal financess, since so many Bankss were fall ining due to the depression. If he had non created this system, federal money would hold gone into the unstable province and local Bankss. Most important foreign achievement: During Van Buren ‘s presidential term, the United States kept out of the wars taking topographic point in Europe, so the foreign policy forepart was reasonably weak during his presidential term. Besides, the McKenzy rebellion took topographic point in Calgary, where the Gallic attempted to subvert British regulation in Canada, but the United States kept out of that struggle every bit good. Economic Policy: The most of import thing Van Buren did economically was to set up the Independent Treasury System. The Independent Treasury System allowed the United States authorities to set federal money in a safe topographic point, instead than in province or local Bankss which were really unstable at the clip. Major Events: Major Events include the terror of 1837, the constitution of the Independent Treasury system, and the deficiency of any kind of strong foreign policy. Major Obstacles: Van Buren was the president who suffered the effects of Jackson ‘s shutting of the national bank. This was his largest obstruction, because all of his policies were based around cleaning up the muss he inherited from Jackson. Other Info: Van Buren ‘s presidential term took topographic point during a dry enchantment in American political relations. This was a clip of tiring presidents that made no truly groundbreaking determinations.William Henry Harrison ( 1841 )Most important domestic achievement: Harrison ‘s most important domestic achievement was siting through cold Washington DC without a chapeau or coat, and giving the longest inaugural reference in history. As a consequence of this, Harrison had the shortest presidential term in history. Most important domestic achievement: Harrison did n't hold a foreign policy because his presidential term lasted a humongous 31 yearss, 12 hours, and 30 proceedingss. Economic Policy: Harrison did n't hold an economic policy because his presidential term lasted a humongous 31 yearss, 12 hours, and 30 proceedingss. Major Events: Major events include being inaugurated on March 4, 1841, and deceasing on March 26, 1841. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction confronting Harrison was the fact that his presidential term lasted 22 yearss. If that ‘s non an obstruction, I do n't cognize what is. Other Info: Harrison had the longest startup reference in history, but the shortest presidential term.John Tyler ( 1841-1845 )Most important domestic achievement: Tyler ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the appropriation of Texas in 1845. Texas would travel on to go a province nine months subsequently. Another achievement was the declaration of the Dorr rebellion. The Dorr rebellion was an armed rebellion that took topographic point in Rhode Island due to Thomas Wilson Dorr ‘s discontent with the province ‘s electoral system. As a consequence of the rebellion, Rhode Island granted right to vote to all freewomans irrespective of race. Most important foreign achievement: Tyler ‘s most important foreign achievement was the confirmation of the Webster-Ashburton pact, which defined a clear boundary line between Maine and Canada. Other than that, Tyler was a pretty laid back president during a stale clip in American political relations, so he truly did n't carry through much. Economic Policy: John Tyler was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Tyler believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. These beliefs are how the Whig party started-because of their resistance to Jackson ‘s remotion of the 2nd bank of the United States. Major Events: Major events include the Dorr rebellion, the Webster-Ashburton pact, the blackwash effort on his life, and the stoping of the 2nd Seminole war. Major Obstacles: Tyler ‘s biggest obstruction was that he took office on such short notice. After Harrison died, Tyler was following in line to go president. After he took office, he was expected to lodge closely to the Whig ‘s party beliefs. He did n't. the perfect illustration of this is his twice vetoing of the statute law for the national banking act. Other Info: Tyler was a adult male that went into office out of the blue. He originally thought he was traveling to be Vice president, and so Bam: he ‘s president. This was a clip of deadening American political relations.James K Polk ( 1845-1849 )Most important domestic achievement: Polk ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the successful geting of the Oregon district from Great Britain. Since 1818 the district was under joint business by both America and Britain, but after Polk came into office he put a batch of force per unit area on Britain to give up the district. The Oregon pact of 1846 divided the Oregon district along the 19th analogue. Most important foreign achievement: Polk ‘s most important foreign achievement was the pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a pact that came approximately after the terminal of the Mexican American war. The dainty gave the United States 525,000 square stat mis of land for $ 15 million. Economic Policy: Polk, being a Democrat, focused on cut downing the consequence of the Whig ‘s economic policy. He reduced the duty of abominations and abandoned many other duties. In 1846, Polk approved a jurisprudence that restored the Independent Treasury System, under which authorities financess were held in the Treasury instead than in unstable province and local Bankss. This established independent exchequer sedimentation office to have all authorities financess. Major Events: Major events include the pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the remotion of the duty of abominations, the geting of the Oregon district, the appropriation of Mexico, the American Mexican war, and the effort to by Cuba. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstructions during Polk ‘s presidential term had to make with the geting of land. First the Oregon district so the American Mexican war, so the appropriation of Texas. Other Info: Polk was one of the first presidents to encompass the thought of manifest fate, and to take the Unites States on a way of enlargement.Zachary Taylor ( 1849-1850 )Most important domestic achievement: Taylor ‘s most important domestic achievement was the organisation of the section of the inside. The section of the inside is the section that trades with the direction and preservation of federal lands. Moat important foreign achievement: Taylor ‘s most of import foreign achievement was the confirmation of the Clayton Bulwer pact. The Clayton Bulwer pact made it clear that neither the United States, no Britain would entirely have or keep a canal in South America. The pact did give the United States a leg up diplomatically. Economic Policy: Zachary Taylor was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Taylor believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. Major Events: Major events include the organizing of the section of the inside, the Clayton Bulwer pact, bondage in the West, and the via media of 1850. Major Obstacles: Taylor ‘s presidential term lasted merely one twelvemonth. That was a reasonably large obstruction. Other Info: Zachary Taylor was a deadening, center of the route president. Besides, he was president during a distressingly deadening clip in American political relations.Millard Fillmore ( 1850-1853 )Most of import domestic achievement: Fillmore ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the Compromise of 1850, which admitted California to the Union and settled the issue of bondage in freshly acquired districts. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and divided the state along the 37th analogue. When districts applied for statehood the people of the province would make up one's mind whether to be free or break one's back. In return, the North passed a Fugitive Slave Bill, which allowed for the apprehension of fleeting slaves in the Free provinces. Most of import foreign achievement: Fillmore ‘s most of import foreign achievement was his promise to maintain out of Cuba for the exclusive intent of it non going a slave province. This is important because there had been talk of purchasing Cuba. Economic Policy: Millard Fillmore was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Fillmore believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. Major Events: Major events include the via media of 1850, the burying about Cuba, being a Whig, and holding the last name Fillmore. Major Obstacles: Fillmore, like the last three presidents I ‘ve written about was a deadening president with deadening policies during a deadening clip in American political relations. That ‘s an obstruction. Other Info: Millard Fillmore did n't hold a frailty president, likely because he took over right after Taylor.Franklin Pierce ( 1853-1857 )Most important domestic achievement: A Pierce ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the transition of the Kansas Nebraska act. The Kansas Nebraska act created the districts of Kansas and Nebraska, and besides repealed the Missouri via media of 1820. Besides, the act put the pick of bondage in the people ‘s custodies ( by voting ) . As a response to the act the Republican Party was created. Kansas was admitted to the brotherhood as a free province, and Nebraska was non admitted until after the civil war. This act was a major blow in the stableness of the state, and was a direct cause of the civil war. Most important foreign achievement: A In foreign policy, Pierce wanted to demo a strong Democratic assertiveness. Many particular involvement groups pushed to take Cuba from weak and distant Spain. He besides wanted to open trade with Japan, which at the clip was unheard of. Finally he wanted to derive the advantage over Britain in Central America. The job was, Pierce was a really uneffective president and accomplished really few of his ends. Economic Policy: The state was holding a period of economic growing and there was peace on the economic forepart, but when an issue did come up his disposal Pierce did small to quiet the feelings that it aroused, and sectional lines were redrawn. Major Events: Major events include the Kansas Nebraska act, the via media of 1850, the Free State vs. slave province argument. Major Obstacles: Pierce ‘s biggest obstruction by far was his inability to take. He was a sympathetic cat, and made many friends in authorities, but when it came to acquiring things done he merely could n't. He talked quietly, but forgot his large stick at place. Other Info: Pierce is called one of the worst presidents in US history. The worst.James Buchanan ( 1857-1861 )Most important domestic achievement: Buchanan ‘s most important domestic achievement was the Dred Scott determination. A In 1857 an of import determination was given by the Supreme Court. The Dred Scott instance was put through by the North with the best purposes. But, the tribunal ruled that Dred Scott and all inkinesss were non citizens of the United States and as such had no right to action in the Supreme Court. To add abuse to injury, the Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional because merely provinces had the right to prohibit bondage. The populace in the North was outraged by this determination and refused to obey it. This caused tensenesss to turn, and brought the state to the threshold of civil war. Most important foreign achievement: Buchanan did n't truly hold a foreign policy. This was because he had to concentrate on the domestic issues. This was particularly true when it came to the Dred Scott determination, which made the north really disquieted and brought the state to the threshold of civil war. Economic Policy: Buchanan ‘s economic policy focused around incorporating the terror of 1857. The terror of 1857A was a downswing in the United States ‘ economyA that occurred in 1857. A recession began in 1856, but the failure of Bankss and concerns started a true terror in 1857. While the economic downswing was short, the recovery was was n't. The permanent impact of the terror lasted until the beginning of the civil war. Major Events: Major events include the Dred Scott instance, the Lincoln Douglas debates, and the constitution of the pony express. Major Obstacles: Most of Buchanan ‘s obstructions were political. As the civil war drew nearer, and sectional lines grew deeper, Buchanan faced more and more resistance from the southern United States. Other Information: Because of his inability to defuse the civil war state of affairs, James Buchanan is rated as one of the worst presidents of all clip.Abraham Lincoln ( 1861-1865 )Most important domestic achievement: The civil war was Lincoln ‘s figure one focal point during his presidential term was the civil war. The civil war started before Lincoln ‘s presidential term, and all of the war was left for Lincoln. After the first major Union triumph at Antietam, Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed slaves in all districts that were non occupied by the Union ground forces. The emancipation announcement had two ends: foremost to maintain the British from assisting the South and to get down break one's back rebellions. The civil war ended 1865 when General Lee surrendered at the Appomattox courthouse. Most important foreign achievement: Lincoln ‘s most of import foreign achievement was maintaining ties with Europe during the war. During the Civil War, both the North and South of the United States wanted to maintain ties with the European states, peculiarly Britain and France. The British supported the South until the Emancipation Proclamation changed the focal point of the war, and they realized that back uping the South would be seen as support for bondage. This of class would be morally incorrect. Economic Policy: Lincoln ‘s economic policy was based around the civil war. Most of the money in the state went to the war. As you can conceive of, a war a big and dearly-won as the civil war does n't give much clip to shave any other economic policies. The economic policy helped give money to the North in order to crush the South in the civil war. Major Events: Major events include the civil war, the sequence of the South, the conflict of Antietam, the emancipation announcement, the winning of the war, and the blackwash of Lincoln. Major Obstacles: Lincoln ‘s biggest obstruction was the civil war. All of his policy was based around the war. His full disposal focused on the war. Other Information: Because of Lincoln ‘s suburb handling of the civil war, he is ranked as one of the state ‘s best presidents. Will he interrupt the form of stale tiring presidents? Stay tuned to happen out.Andrew Johnson ( 1865-1869 )Most important domestic achievement: Johnson ‘s most important domestic achievement focused around Reconstruction after the civil war. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson attempted to take control of the Reconstruction. But, with Lincoln dead, Congress forgot took that power from Johnson. Rather than utilizing of Lincoln ‘s 10 per centum program, a much harsher program was put in topographic point for readmitting provinces into the Union. States had to sign the thirteenth and 14th amendments to recover their seats in Congress. Merely Tennessee passed the 14th amendment. Because of Johnson ‘s inability to manage the South, he was impeached. Most important domestic achievement: Johnson ‘s best foreign policy determination by far was to buy Alaska from Russia for 15 million dollars. After it purchase, people mocked Johnson and his disposal for buying nil more than a large refrigerator. It was n't until after Johnson ‘s presidential term that the true value was realized. Gold and oil were found at that place doing the purchase of Alaska a good determination after all. Economic Policy: Johnson ‘s economic policy was based around the purchase of Alaska. The United States needed to set up 15 million dollars in order to buy Alaska, and at the clip that was a monumental undertaking. Because of the civil war, money was tight, and it took a batch to acquire Congress to hold upon giving the money for what at the clip was nil more than and icebox. Major Events: Major events include the 13-15th amendments, the purchase of Alaska, the Reconstruction of the South, and the impeachment of Johnson. Major Obstacles: Johnson ‘s largest obstructions came from inside the authorities. A perfect illustration of this is the Reconstruction attempt of the South. Since Congress was unhappy with Johnson ‘s work they took the Reconstruction powers from him. Other Info: Johnson was the first US president to be impeached, but non the last.Ulysses S Grant ( 1869-1877 )Most important domestic achievements: Grants most of import domestic achievements had to make with all of the dirts he was involved in. Grant ‘s cabinet consisted of his old friends who used their stations to do money and have power. Because of this, Grant ‘s disposal was filled with corruptness. Most important foreign achievement: Grant ‘s foreign policy had to make with keeping Britain responsible for its â€Å" neutrality † during the civil war. During the Geneva courts, the British were found guilty and the United States got 15 million dollars for their problems. Besides, the United States and Britain agreed on boundaries for angling and such. Economic Policy: Grant ‘s economic policy had to make with economic growing and enlargement. Although grants disposal had more leaks than a slug filled ship, there was still economic enlargement. The populace was really happy with Grant ‘s decrease of the national debt. Major Events: Major events include the completion of the transcontinental railway, the 15th amendment which gave all citizens right to vote, and the innovation of the telephone. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction confronting Grant and his disposal was the corruptness that was wild present at that place. Grant was cogent evidence that a great military leader does non needfully do a great president. Other Info: Grant was a president with possible, but he chose to allow his friends into his disposal, and to let corruptness to run in his presidential term.Rutherford B Hayes ( 1877-1881 )Most important domestic achievement: Hayes ‘ most of import domestic achievement was the civil service reform. Hayes gave anA executive orderA that prohibited office holders from acquiring party money. This led Hayes to take many employees in authorities in an attempt to â€Å" clean house † and put an terminal to party corruptness. This led to tenseness between Hayes and members of authorities. Most important foreign achievement: Hayes said in his Inaugural Address that he wanted the state to maintain â€Å" our traditional regulation of nonintervention in the personal businesss of foreign states. † He was really good at following this policy, and because of it he kept out of foreign affairsaˆÂ ¦.except for the edifice of the Panama Canal, which he attempted but did n't win due to political grounds. Economic Policy: Hayes was a fiscal conservative. As a fiscal conservative Hayes believed in little authorities, strong concern, and limitation free capitalist economy. Besides, he believed in low revenue enhancements. Major Events: Major events include the terminal of Reconstruction, the railway work stoppage of 1877, and the installing of electric street visible radiations, the via media of 1876, and the bland Alison act. Major Obstacles: Hayes ‘ biggest obstruction was the fact that he won the election by such a bantam border. Because of this, all throughout his presidential term Hayes was critiqued for the determinations he made. Other Info: Hayes ‘ most celebrated quotation mark is â€Å" He serves his party best who serves his state best. †James Garfield ( 1881 )Most important domestic achievement: Garfield did n't truly hold a domestic policy because merely a few months after his presidential term he was shot and killed. Most important foreign achievement: Garfield was unable to pattern a foreign policy as he was shot a few months after he was elected president. Economic Policy: Garfield did n't hold an economic policy. Most people are unable to do or pattern an economic policy when they are shot dead merely a few months after they are elected to the presidential term. Major Events: Major events include being elected into office in 1881, and being shot and killed in 1881. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction faced by James Garfield was that he was shot merely a few months after he came into office. That is a reasonably large obstruction if you ask me. Other Info: Garfield had the 2nd shortest presidential term, 2nd merely to William Henry Harrison.Chester A Arthur ( 1881-1885 )Most important domestic achievement: Arthur ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the passing of the Pendleton act. The Pendleton act placed federal employees on a virtue system and put an terminal to the long hated spoils system. The act was passed because of Garfield ‘s blackwash. The Act was passed into jurisprudence on January 16 1883. Most important foreign achievement: Arthur ‘s most important foreign achievements had to make with spread outing the US navy. Arthur realized that if the United States wanted to spread out, it would necessitate a strong naval forces. He was the first US president to alter the navy ships over from Fe to steel. Steel is lighter and stronger than Fe. Economic Policy: Arthur had a deadening economic policy, one that is non even deserving composing about. Major Events: Major events include the constitution of the steel naval forcess, and the passing of the Pendleton act. Major Obstacles: Arthur ‘s obstructions came from inside the authorities. When he passed civil service reform, he faced strong internal resistance because the spoils system helped specify authorities. Arthur believed in a strong, honorable authorities. Other Info: The universe ‘s first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago during Arthur ‘s presidential term.Grover Cleveland ( 1885-1889 )Most important domestic achievement: Cleveland ‘s most of import domestic achievement was his handling of labour brotherhoods. All throughout his presidential term, Cleveland had to cover with the ups and downs and temper swings of the labour brotherhoods. These fits ranged from little work stoppages to violent rebellions. Most of these labour brotherhoods had to cover with railwaies or other large companies that paid their people excessively small and overworked them. Most important foreign achievement: Cleveland ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Britain Venezuela boundary difference. Great Britain tried to conflict on Venezuela ‘s district for gold, and America threatened to ordain the Monroe philosophy. Britain tried to play tufa for a piece, but finally backed down. In the terminal a pact was written up, and neither side won or lost. The result was a Latin America that was happy with the United States and a universe that knew that the US was a force to be reckoned with. Economic Policy: The duty of 1883 lowered antecedently high duties. The duty raised up as a major issue between the Democrats and the republicans. Major Events: Major events include the Haymarket public violence, the interstate commercialism act, the terror of 1893, and the Pullman work stoppage. Major Obstacles: Cleveland ‘s biggest obstructions came from the labour brotherhoods. These brotherhoods ranged from mild strikers to downright violent rebellions that resulted in serious hurt or decease to all who participated. Other Info: Henry Ford made his first auto during Grover Cleveland ‘s presidential term.Benjamin Harrison ( 1889-1893 )Most important domestic achievement: Harrison ‘s most important domestic achievement was the passing of the Sherman anti-trust act. The Act passed without resistance since both parties made promises about ordaining trust ordinances. However, the act was really weak, and was written really mistily. Because of this, even though the trusts were attacked none were of all time to the full removed. Most important foreign achievement: Harrison ‘s disposal was really aggressive in foreign policy and enlargement. An illustration of this is the Samoan struggle where the United States imperialized its first district that far from its shores. Economic Policy: Harrison had an economic policy of high duties, trust busting, and silver reform. The thing Harrison is most celebrated for though is the busting of trusts, or trust busting. This was accomplished through the Sherman anti-trust act. The Sherman anti-trust act was weakly enforced though, so trusts ne'er to the full disappeared. Major Events: Major events include the Sherman anti-trust act, the Sherman Ag purchase act, and the McKinley duty. Major Obstacles: Harrison did n't truly confront any obstructions that could be described as major. Or minor. He did n't confront any obstructions at all truly. Other Info: A Nellie Bly set a record by going around the universe in 72 yearss.Grover Cleveland ( 1893-1897 )Most important domestic achievement: Cleveland ‘s most of import domestic achievement was his handling of labour brotherhoods. All throughout his presidential term, Cleveland had to cover with the ups and downs and temper swings of the labour brotherhoods. These fits ranged from little work stoppages to violent rebellions. Most of these labour brotherhoods had to cover with railwaies or other large companies that paid their people excessively small and overworked them. Most important foreign achievement: Cleveland ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Britain Venezuela boundary difference. Great Britain tried to conflict on Venezuela ‘s district for gold, and America threatened to ordain the Monroe philosophy. Britain tried to play tufa for a piece, but finally backed down. In the terminal a pact was written up, and neither side won or lost. The result was a Latin America that was happy with the United States and a universe that knew that the US was a force to be reckoned with. Economic Policy: The duty of 1883 lowered antecedently high duties. The duty came up as a major issue between the Democrats and the republicans. Major Events: Major events include the Haymarket public violence, the interstate commercialism act, the terror of 1893, and the Pullman work stoppage. Major Obstacles: Cleveland ‘s biggest obstructions came from the labour brotherhoods. These brotherhoods ranged from mild strikers to downright violent rebellions that resulted in serious hurt or decease to all who participated. Other Info: Cleveland is the lone president in history to hold two nonconsecutive footings.William McKinley ( 1897-1901 )Most important domestic achievement: McKinley ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the appropriation of Hawaii. The trade was that the United States would annex Hawaii and presume their $ 4 million on debt. Because of the appropriation of Hawaii, it would subsequently travel on to go a US State. Besides, without Hawaii, where would I travel on holiday? Most important foreign achievement: McKinley ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Spanish American war. The war was caused because Cuba wanted to contend off Spain ‘s subjugation. The existent ground for the war was xanthous news media, which made the state of affairs in Cuba seem worse than what it really was, and that is what caused the United States to travel to war. The thing that truly set off the war was the detonation of the USS Maine in Havana seaport. The xanthous journalists made it seem like the Cubans did this, when in fact it was an unknown detonation. Economic Policy: McKinley ‘s economic policy put the gilded criterion as the lone criterion. It was because of this that the whole Ag thought was forgotten. Besides, the Dingley act put in a duty of 16 % , the highest of all clip, and in some instances up to 57 % . Major Events: Major events include the Spanish American war, the pact of Paris, and the insular instances.Major Obstacles:Other Info: During McKinley ‘s presidential term Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines became American ownerships.DecisionDuring this clip period there were great presidents and awful presidents. The trade name new American democracy had to get by with immense challenges, and it was because of these leaders that we have progressed to where we are today.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Apple Case Study 1

Apple Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Opening Case III. Competitor Analysis IV. Sales Analysis V. Profitability Analysis VI. Cross Elasticity of Demand: Competitors v/s iPhone VII. Demand, Cost and Pricing VIII. Pure competition, Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly IX. Conclusion X. References I. Introduction Apple Inc. (Apple) designs, manufactures and markets a range of personal computers, mobile communication and media devices, and portable digital music players, and sells a range of related software, services, peripherals, networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. It's products and services include Macintosh (Mac) computers, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, Xserve, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, the Mac OS X and iOS operating systems, third-party digital content and applications through the iTunes Store, and a range of accessory, service and support offerings. The Company sells its products globally through its retail stores, online stores, and direct sales force and third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. As of September 25, 2010, the Company had opened a total of 317 retail stores, including 233 stores in the United States and 84 stores internationally. II. Opening Case: Apple reveals the iPhone MACWORLD SAN FRANCISCO—January 9, 2007—Apple ® today introduced iPhone, combining three products—a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod ® with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, searching and maps—into one small and lightweight handheld device. Phone introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting users control iPhone with just their fingers. iPhone also ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, which completely redefines what users can do on their mobile phones. â€Å"iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobi le phone,† said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. We are all born with the ultimate pointing device—our fingers—and iPhone uses them to create the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse. † iPhone is a Revolutionary Mobile Phone iPhone is a revolutionary new mobile phone that allows users to make calls by simply pointing at a name or number. iPhone syncs all of your contacts from your PC, Mac ® or Internet service such as Yahoo! , so that you always have your full list of up-to-date contacts with you. In addition, you can easily construct a favorites list for your most frequently made calls, and easily merge calls together to create conference calls. iPhone’s pioneering Visual Voicemail, an industry first, lets users look at a listing of their voicemails, decide which messages to listen to, then go directly to those messages without listening to the prior messages. Just like email, iPhone’s Visual Voicemail enables users to immediately randomly access those messages that interest them most. Phone includes an SMS application with a full QWERTY soft keyboard to easily send and receive SMS messages in multiple sessions. When users need to type, iPhone presents them with an elegant touch keyboard which is predictive to prevent and correct mistakes, making it much easier and more efficient to use than the small plastic keyboards on many smartphones. iPhone also includes a calendar application that allows calendars to be automatically synced with your PC or Mac. iPhone fea tures a 2 megapixel camera and a photo management application that is far beyond anything on a phone today. Users can browse their photo library, which can be easily synced from their PC or Mac, with just a flick of a finger and easily choose a photo for their wallpaper or to include in an email. iPhone is a quad-band GSM phone which also features EDGE and Wi-Fi wireless technologies for data networking. Apple has chosen Cingular, the best and most popular carrier in the US with over 58 million subscribers, to be Apple’s exclusive carrier partner for iPhone in the US. iPhone is a Widescreen iPod Phone is a widescreen iPod with touch controls that lets music lovers â€Å"touch† their music by easily scrolling through entire lists of songs, artists, albums and playlists with just a flick of a finger. Album artwork is stunningly presented on iPhone’s large and vibrant display. iPhone also features Cover Flow, Apple’s amazing way to browse your music library by album cover artwork, for the first time on an iPod. When navigating your music library on iPhone, you are automatically switched into Cover Flow by simply rotating iPhone into its landscape position. Phone’s stunning 3. 5-inch widescreen display offers the ultimate way to watch TV shows and movies on a pocketable device, with touch controls for play-pause, chapter forward-backward and volume. iPhone plays the same videos purchased from the online iTunes ® Store that users enjoy watching on their computers and iPods, and will soon enjoy watching on their widescreen televisions using the new Apple TVâ„ ¢. The iTunes Store now offers over 350 television shows, over 250 feature films and over 5,000 music videos. Phone lets users enjoy all their iPod content, including music, audiobooks, audio podcasts, video podcasts, music videos, television shows and movies. iPhone syncs content from a user’s iTunes library on their PC or Mac, and can play any music or video content they have purchased from the online iTunes store. iPhone is a Breakthrough Internet Communications Device iPhone features a rich HTML email client which fetches your email in the background from most POP3 or IMAP mail services and displays photos and graphics right along with the text. Phone is fully multi-tasking, so you can be reading a web page while downloading your email in the background. Yahoo! Mail, the world’s largest email service with over 250 million users, is offering a new free â€Å"push† IMAP email service to all iPhone users that automatically pushes new email to a user’s iPhone, and can be set up by simply entering your Yahoo! name and password. iPhone will also work with most industry standard IMAP and POP based email services, such as Microsoft Exchange, Apple . Mac Mail, AOL Mail, Google Gmail and most ISP mail services. iPhone also features the most advanced and fun-to-use web browser on a portable device with a version of its award-winning Safariâ„ ¢ web browser for iPhone. Users can see any web page the way it was designed to be seen, and then easily zoom in to expand any section by simply tapping on iPhone’s multi-touch display with their finger. Users can surf the web from just about anywhere over Wi-Fi or EDGE, and can automatically sync their bookmarks from their PC or Mac. Phone’s Safari web browser also includes built-in Google Search and Yahoo! Search so users can instantly search for information on their iPhone just like they do on their computer. iPhone also includes Google Maps, featuring Google’s groundbreaking maps service and iPhone’s amazing maps application, offering the best maps experience by far on any pocket device. Users can view maps, satellite images, traffic information and get direct ions, all from iPhone’s remarkable and easy-to-use touch interface. iPhone’s Advanced Sensors Phone employs advanced built-in sensors—an accelerometer, a proximity sensor and an ambient light sensor—that automatically enhance the user experience and extend battery life. iPhone’s built-in accelerometer detects when the user has rotated the device from portrait to landscape, then automatically changes the contents of the display accordingly, with users immediately seeing the entire width of a web page, or a photo in its proper landscape aspect ratio. iPhone’s built-in proximity sensor detects when you lift iPhone to your ear and immediately turns off the display to save power and prevent inadvertent touches until iPhone is moved away. Phone’s built-in ambient light sensor automatically adjusts the display’s brightness to the appropriate level for the current ambient light, thereby enhancing the user experience and saving power at the same time. Pricing ; Availability iPhone will be available in the US in June 2007, Europe in late 2007, and Asia in 2008, in a 4GB model for $499 (US) and an 8GB model for $599 (US), and will work with either a PC or Mac. iPhone will be sold in the US through Apple’s retail and online stores, and through Cingular’s retail and online stores. Several iPhone accessories will also be available in June, including Apple’s new remarkably compact Bluetooth headset. iPhone includes support for quad-band GSM, EDGE, 802. 11b/g Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2. 0 EDR wireless technologies. iPhone requires a Mac with a USB 2. 0 port, Mac OS ® X v10. 4. 8 or later and iTunes 7; or a Windows PC with a USB 2. 0 port and Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4), Windows XP Home or Professional (Service Pack 2). Internet access is required and a broadband connection is recommended. Apple and Cingular will announce service plans for iPhone before it begins shipping in June. III. Competitor Analysis Market Share by OS Nokia still has a third of the overall mobile phone market. The average selling price of a Nokia Smartphone fell by 21% from 2009. Nokia is selling plenty of devices, but they are at the cheap end of the market. They lost what some in the industry refer to as â€Å"mindshare† to Apple's iPhone and the Google Android mobile software platform. Nokia wants to sell services – music, maps, and applications – as well as hardware but high-end phone users are looking elsewhere. The company says a new family of Smartphone’s, led by the N8 released in 2010, will revive its fortunes at the top end of the market. Nokia chief executive Stephen Elop was forced to abandon the mobile phone giant's in September 2010. The news that the Finnish firm might only break even in the second quarter of this year slashed 25 per cent off its value in 24 hours. Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia has announced it will shed 7,000 jobs from next year as part of a plan to refocus the company on Smartphone. The Finnish firm is moving from Symbian to Microsoft's Smartphone technology. The firm recently confirmed the deal with Microsoft last week to jointly develop Smartphone technology, which will cut costs by about 1bn Euros a year. Under the terms of that deal, Nokia agreed to start using the Microsoft's operating system on its Smartphone instead of its own Symbian platform. Nokia's response to the Smartphone threat from competitors such as Apple's iPhone and phones using Google's Android system has been long been a key investor concern. Prior to the iPhone, Nokia was the king of mobile handsets. Now its share of the Smartphone market has plunged from 47 per cent to 27 per cent. It has also lost its ranking as the largest handset maker in terms of revenue to Apple. Android When Google decided to get into the Smartphone business it decided that Android devices would be everything that the iPhone was not. Apple one or two handsets, Google on the other hand was laying out a great number of handsets. Manufacturers such as HTC, LG and Motorola could use the new operating system for free. It enabled Google to have phones for every section of the market – high powered and pricey, cheap and practical. Android's real selling point would be the apps. Here too, the policy was one of openness. Apple controlled its App store controlling every submission and rejecting those that contravened its rules. For Android anyone who had written an app could upload it. At first, users and app developers welcomed the free-and-easy approach. However, some have begun to question if Google's policy for the apps is the best way to manage the Market. Three years after its launch, hardware sales are booming. Yet sales of Android apps remain relatively poor. Estimates of Apple’s App store in 2010 were ? 1. billion. Android Market managed just ? 62 million. The figure was lower than both Blackberry App World (? 100m) and Nokia's Ovi store (? 64m). Research predicts massive improvements for Android by this time 2012 but it is still expected to lag far behind iOS. Finally Android's market share grew to surpass the Symbian platform used by Nokia making it the most sold Smartphone Microsoft Microsoft market share is declining in the Smartphone platf orm market. Windows Phone 7 lacks a number of features despite the innovation of its user interface. Microsoft hopes to gain market share once Nokia Windows Phones and its wide-ranging â€Å"Mango† software update get released later in 2011. Microsoft has unveiled the first major update to its Windows Phone 7 operating system it launched in 2010. The update, codenamed Mango, intdoduces more than 500 changes. Microsoft’s attempts to break into the Smartphone race have been mediocre at best. Currently, the company controls less than 4% of the market. Despite this, Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 platform is forecasted to beat Android in 2013. Microsoft introduced Pocket PC in 2000, followed by Windows Mobile in 2003, prior to Apple and Android's release. However it still failed to compete in the market, or rival Symbian who controlled nearly 90% of the market share. Microsoft lacked the features and compatibility that Symbian was featuring at the time, and as a result, consumers refused to recognize its product or give Microsoft the opportunity to be a contender in the Smartphone industry. The platform was notoriously sluggish and the most difficult of any platform to use. Microsoft tried to solve some of these issues with minor tweaks and software updates over the years to little or no avail. As Windows Mobile market shares continued to decline, Microsoft had no other option than to overhaul the Microsoft platform and launch Windows Phone 7 in 2010. Windows Phone 7 was much improved. But Microsoft still failed to take control of the market, or garner any real significant attention from consumers. RIM Research In Motion has given up more ground to Apple and Google in the hypercompetitive Smartphone market, a report shows, while two brokerages cut their price targets for the BlackBerry maker on concerns it can no longer keep pace. The latest figures dropped RIM from second to third place. The Canadian company's struggle to compete is unlikely to get any easier, with Apple's upcoming iCloud service expected to hurt RIM. IV. Sales Analysis Apple  produced some stellar results: revenues up 48% year-on-year to $13. 5bn, and profits up. The process is confused because  Apple has begun restating its year-ago earnings, to take into account the fact that it now recognizes income and revenue from subscription-based products such as the  iPhone(which may be sold on an 18-month contract) as soon as it gets it, rather than deferring it over the life of the device/contract as it used to. It began doing that in the most recent quarter, covering Christmas, which – confusingly – is the first quarter of its financial year. So previously, the second-quarter revenues were $8. 16bn, not the newly-restated $9. 08bn; the profits were $1. 21bn, not the now-given figure of $1. 62bn. The numbers also don't include the iPad, because the quarter ended on March 31 – the iPad was launched three days later. According to MacJournals, which chewed over the numbers, â€Å"At $5. 445 billion, iPhone sales accounted for 40% of Apple's revenue. All Mac sales were 28%, all  iPod/Music sales were 24%. Mac sales are 2. 943m units, generating revenue of $3. 76bn – which Apple says was 33% year-on-year growth, compared to market growth of 24%. The company's market share of mobile subscribers has also taken a deep plunge. Market research firm comScore says that between October and January, Microsoft's share of the market fell from 19. 7% to 15. 7%. RIM, the maker o f the BlackBerry, remained the leader, growing from 41. 3% to 43%. Apple ‘s iPhone increased slightly, from 24. 8% to 25. 1%, and Google's Android grew by more than 250%, going from 2. 8% to 7. An interesting analysis comes from Tomi Ahonen, a former Nokia executive. â€Å"I am writing the first history of the once-iconic iPhone, written now in early April 2010, before Apple has released its first quarter earnings for 2010. This is literally the peak of the short reign that Apple's iPhone had as the most emulated Smartphone. [†¦] And mark my words, the numbers are now very clear, Apple's market share peak among smartphones, and among all handsets, on an annual basis, is being witnessed now. † V. Profitability Analysis Apple reported in the second quarter of 2011 that net income rose 95 percent, to $5. 9 billion, or $6. 40 a share, from $3. 07 billion, or $3. 33 a share, in 2010. Revenue climbed 83 percent, to $24. 67 billion, from $13. 5 billion. The profit margin in 2011 is 22. 36% of the sales which is an improvement over the level the company achieved in 2010. The company’s return of equity is 38. 78% while in 2010 it was 26. 2% which means that there is a 12. 58% increase on the return of equity. The gross margin is 39. 07% which is slightly better than the company achieved in 2010. VI. Cross Elasticity of Demand: Competitors V/s iPhone When the iphone 3GS was released on July 11, 2008 it cost $199 with the AT;T two year contract. In January 2011 Apple cut the iphone 3GS price to $50. cross-price elasticity of demand = % ? in demand for product A% ? in price for product B %? in price for iphone: Price of Iphone 3GS, 2010 + Price of Iphone 3GS, 2011? Price of Iphone = 199 + 5050-199 = -1. 671% With the Market share OS table above we can compute the % ? I demand for prodct competing with the iphone. %? in demand for Symbian = Symbian market share of Q1 2011 – Symbian market share of 2010 = 27. 4% – 37. 6% = -8. % Symbian-iphone cross-price elasticity of demand = % ? in demand for Symbian% ? in price for Iphone = -8. 6%-1. 671% = 5. 146 %? in demand for Android = Android market share of Q1 2011 – Android market share of 2010 = 36% – 22. 7% = 13. 3% Android -iphone cross-price elasticity of demand = % ? in demand for Android% ? in price for Iphone = 13. 3%-1. 671% = -7. 959 %? in demand for R IM = RIM market share of Q1 2011 – RIM market share of 2010 = 12. 9% – 16. 0% = -3. 1% RIM -iphone cross-price elasticity of demand = % ? in demand for RIM% ? in price for Iphone = -3. 1%-1. 671% = 1. 855 ? in demand for Microsoft = Microsoft market share of Q1 2011 – Microsoft market share of 2010 = 3. 6% – 4. 2% = -0. 6% Microsoft -iphone cross-price elasticity of demand = % ? in demand for Microsoft % ? in price for Iphone = -0. 6%-1. 671% = 0. 359 The price elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of quantity demanded by a change of 1 percent in price. It is calculated by dividing the percentage change in the demanded quantity by the corresponding percentage change in price. The iPhone was launched in the US roughly at the beginning of the second Quarter 2008, at a price of $599. In mid September Apple reduced the price for the iPhone by 33% from $599 to $434. According to the quarterly reports, Apple sold 270 000 iPhones in the second quarter and 1,119 000 iPhones in the third quarter. If calculated according to the equation for price elasticity of demand, the iPhone would have a price elasticity of 4. 7, which means that Apple would lose almost 4. 7 percent of iPhone sales for each corresponding 1 percent increase in price. Since elasticity is greater than 1 the price is inelastic so the iPhone is a luxury commodity. Many consumers wait until increased competition forces Apple to decrease prices. VII. Demand, Cost ; Pricing Demand Apple’s iPhone Supply and Demand Concept of Supply and Demand There is a general rule in economics that if the price of a certain good or service rises, then the demand for such good or service declines. If the price decreases, then potential demand also increases (inverse relationship). On the supply side, if the price of a good or service increases, then firms will be willing to supply the market with higher volume of such good or service. If the price decreases, then firms will cut their supply of the good or service (positive relationship. The market then adjusts the price of the good or service in order to satisfy both the consumers and the suppliers. This is called market equilibrium. Apple iPhone Demand Last July, Apple iPhone was able to outsell all smart phones in the United States. It almost equaled the sales of the most popular feature phone (LG chocolate), giving it a relatively stable position in the market. New Apple handset models accounted for almost 1 . of all phone handset sales in the US for about a month. It was estimated that the demand for Apple iPhone was rising at7 . 2 a month, equivalent to about 5 million units of quantity demanded. The market research firm iSuppli noted â€Å"This is a remarkable accomplishment for Apple, considering that July marked the first full month of sales for the iPhone. While iSuppli has not collected historical information on this topic, it’s likely that the s peed of the iPhone ‘s rise to competitive dominance in its segment is unprecedented in the history of the mobile-handset market (Marsal ,2007 . In short , almost unexpected rise in demand of Apple iPhone was unaccounted by many experts , including of which are some of its competitors . The same research firm also noted that survey revealed that almost 57 of iPhones (bought in July ) were purchased by US consumers . Most of the consumers are aged 17-35. Almost 52 of the consumers of this product are male, and about 48 are female, revealing an almost equal propensity to consume for the product among the sexes. Added to that, iSuppli noted that 62 of the consumers of the product are actually college graduates or those with graduate courses . Nonetheless , the same research firm noted that â€Å"some of the iPhone ‘s success in July can be attributed to pent-up demand following months of hype (stagnant demand). Real proof of success will come in the coming months as demand patterns stabilize (Marsal, 2007). This prediction was almost accurate when the demand for iPhone was almost rising at 8 per month (month of June). Cost Apple's Iphone 4 smartphone, for which it's charging at least $500 at retail, is built of parts that cost $187. 51, according to market research firm Isuppli. According to the tear-down the most expensive part of the Iphone 4 is the 3. 5-inch LCD screen which costs $28. 50. Isuppli thinks that the Iphone 4 screen must be identical to one made by LG. It seems that Apple has managed to keep its parts cost at about $170 to $180 per unit. Isuppli's cost estimate doesn't include labour, shipping, advertising, software development or patent licensing. The cost is based on a 16GB version of the Iphone 4 but the low costs of each componant are fairly staggering. The Apple A4 processor reportedly is made by Samsung Electronics for $10. 75 per chip. Isuppli thinks that Geneva-based STMicroelectronics supplied the gyroscope chip at an estimated cost of $2. 60, as well as an accelerometer chip used in previous Iphone versions, which has an estimated cost of 65 cents. Other component suppliers named by Isuppli include Skyworks, a wireless chipmaker and TriQuint Semiconductor. In 2009, Isuppli estimated that the components and materials used in the iPhone 3GS cost about $179. Since then Isuppli thinks that the materials costs for that model have fallen to $134. Thus the Iphone 4 costs a bit more to make than the earlier model. Of course this means that Apple's gross margin on the hardware in Iphones is extremely high. The actual price margin gets obscured by the fact that AT&T heavily subsidises the phone in the US for about what it costs to manufacture. However the real winner is Apple, which does not have to pay for the cost of manufacture and still takes home about three times Iphone 4 production costs, on average. Pricing Because the iPhone price is entirely set by Apple, it makes an interesting case study on how much the price of technology drops over time. The official price of the iPhone periodically drops, as shown in the table below. But, there are no sales and a new iPhone is never sold for less than the official price. (There are occasionally sales on the refurbished iPhones for example on black Friday the refurbished 3GS was sold for $50. 00 instead of the usual $150. 00. )   Finding historical street price data is harder than historical MSRP data. For the iPhone both prices are the same. The table showing the historical price is included below. 1st Gen 4GB| 1st Gen 8GB| 3G| 3GS 16GB| 3GS 32GB| 29 June 2007| $499. 0*| $599*| N/A| N/A| N/A| 5 Sept 2007| Discontinued| $399| N/A| N/A| N/A| June 2008| N/A| N/A| $199| N/A| N/A| June 2009| N/A| N/A| $99| $199| $299| VIII. Pure competition, Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly Apple Inc. planned to begin producing this year a new iPhone that could allow U. S. phone carriers other than AT&T Inc. to sell the iconic gadget, said people briefed by the company. The new iPhone would work on a type of wireless network called CDMA, these people said. CDMA is used by Verizon Wireless, AT&T's main competitor, as well as Sprint Nextel Corp. nd a handful of cellular operators in countries including South Korea and Japan. The vast majority of carriers world-wide, including AT;T, use another technology called GSM. With Apple developing a phone with CDMA capability, its exclusive U. S. arrangement with AT;T dating to 2007 appears set to end. Verizon Wireless, owned by Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, declined to comment. An AT;T spokesman said: â€Å"There has been lots of incorrect speculation on CDMA iPhones for a long time. We haven't seen one yet and only Apple knows when that might occur. † Apple declined to comment. For AT;T, the Apple relationship has been crucial, helping to make the carrier the U. S. leader in lucrative smart-phone market share. According to comScore Inc. , AT;T has over 43% of all U. S. smart-phone customers, compared with 23% for Verizon. These customers are especially attractive because they generally pay higher monthly rates for data plans. For several quarters, AT;T's growth has come almost single-handedly from the iPhone. In the fourth quarter of 2009, the carrier said it activated 3. 1 million new iPhones. In comparison, it counted only a net total of 2. million new subscribers as some customers moved from other phones to iPhones. Now that a new Verizon-compatible iPhone appears to be on the horizon, Digits looks at what Apple can do to win over mobile business users, particularly from RIMM's BlackBerry market. The people briefed on the matter said the upgraded GSM iPhone is being made by Taiwanese contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. , which produced A pple's previous iPhones. The CDMA iPhone model is being made by Pegatron Technology Corp. , the contract manufacturing subsidiary of Taiwan's ASUSTeK Computer Inc. said these people. One person familiar with the situation said Pegatron is scheduled to start mass producing CDMA iPhones in September. Other people said, however, that the schedule could change and the phone may not be available to consumers immediately after production begins. Representatives of Pegatron and Hon Hai declined to comment. Verizon has publicly stated its interest in the iPhone, but people familiar with the situation said Apple originally decided against developing a phone for Verizon to keep its development process simple, since the technologies are incompatible. Verizon also is upgrading its network to a higher-speed technology, so Apple has said it believed CDMA was a short-term technology. Apple later changed its mind as it realized Verizon's upgrade would take longer than expected, said people familiar with the situation. Making the iPhone available through Verizon, which has over 91 million customers, as well as potentially other CDMA carriers could open up a significant new market. In 2009, iPhone sales globally rose 83% to 25. million, far outpacing the 20% to 25% growth in smart phones sales overall, according to Bernstein. But since Apple already dominates smart-phone sales through existing partners, â€Å"sooner rather than later, Apple is going to have to look to find incremental distribution,† which implies a monopolistic competition between all smart phone sellers, said Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi. He estimates Verizon could help Apple nearly double the number of iPhone users in the U. S. Some advantages that iPhone has comparing to other smart phones are: 1. Pod: iPhone is a not just a phone it is widescreen iPod with touch controls that lets you enjoy all your content — including music, audiobooks, videos, TV shows, and movies — on a beautiful 3. 5-inch widescreen display (Nokia N95 only has a 2. 6 inch screen). The N95 does have a good media player, however with all the iPod features and 4 GB / 8 GB space, it makes the iPhone the best music phone. 2. Advanced Safari browser: iPhone lets you see any web page the way it was designed to be seen, then easily zoom in by simply tapping on the multi-touch display with your finger which will change mobile browsing for the good. . OS X: All the power and sophistication of an advanced operating system that gives you access to true desktop-class applications and software, including rich HTML email, applications such as widgets, Safari, calendar, text messaging, Notes, and Address Book etc. iPhone is fully multi-tasking, so you can read a web page while downloading your email in the background. This software completely redefines what you can do with a mobile phone. 4. User Interface: iPhone features the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse. It’s an entirely new interface based on a large multi-touch display and innovative new software that lets you control everything using only your fingers. 5. Visual Voicemail: The iPhone lets you select and listen to voicemail messages in whatever order you want — just like email using a revolutionary new feature called the visual voicemail. IX. Conclusion Analyzing as managerial economics students, we can conclude that although the current methods and techniques are serving us well in analyzing the current market situation, there will be new techniques emerging in the future with global changes occurring at leaping speeds. What is essential is for us to grasp is that the theory is flexible with these changes and that it can be shaped or rounded to be applied to any market situation analysis. The content and subjects we learned in this course are nothing but the bedrock tools that any manager needs to know and use in his daily life in order to forecast revenues and demand, analyze current markets and evaluate his company’s stance regarding his competitors. X. References ttp://theblogpaper. co. uk/article/business/31may09/price-elasticity-demand-iphone http://news. cnet. com/8301-13506_3-20064223-17. html http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-10725887 http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/uk-13284156 http://m. ibtimes. com/microsoft-windows-phone7-google-android-apple-157595. html http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/06/03/us-rim-research-ubs-idUSTRE7523PP20110603 www. newyorktimes. com www. wallstreetjournal. com

Gender discrimination in society and the workplace Essay

In recent years women have been making gains toward equality in the workplace, but still there is a pay gap that separates men and women. It is interesting to note that women are consistently compensated less than men who fill similar positions. Discrimination is blamed for the salary disparities. My guess is as long as there are differences between people, there will be discrimination in one form or another. That may be only a general thought about discrimination, but men and women are always going to be different. How are we affected by such forms of gender discrimination? Well obviously those who are directly impacted negatively can feel the effects, but undoubtedly society and the economy are impacted as well. It may be difficult to determine in what ways they may be affected however. It seems that through the years, there has never been a time where women have been as well compensated as men. Just because its something we may be used to, does that mean it’s right? Some people would argue that women shouldn’t even be working as it is. Many people think that a woman’s place is in the home. Perhaps that is the ideal in many societies. It would seem beneficial to have at least one parent in the home caring for children rather than placing them into a daycare facility. Traditionally the husband has been the breadwinner of the household, but with inflation rates skyrocketing, it is increasingly necessary to send the wife off to work as well. Of course women should be treated as equals and be paid the same that a man would be if he were filling the position. One way or another this problem should take care of itself or it could be speculated that there will be an increasing amount of animosity among members of society. Long-term effects of gender discrimination are not clear, but why should we continue to place barriers between different people? The government has seemed to be cracking down on equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws, as they should be. The United States is a place of equality and equal opportunity, and while we may be huge steps ahead of other countries, gender discrimination is still a factor that must be dealt with.

Monday, July 29, 2019

IT IS THE DRUGS THAT MADE ME DO IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

IT IS THE DRUGS THAT MADE ME DO IT - Essay Example In claiming that their addiction led someone into a life of crime is a fallacy, at best. Criminal behaviour, like drug abuse, alcohol abuse, truancy, spousal abuse, promiscuity, and other risky behaviours are all lifestyle choices. One does not cause another. The confusion and misconception that has surrounded this notion for years lies in the fact that often risky behaviour such as drug abuse and criminal behaviour are, along with other behaviours, found in the same groups of people – those who chose this type of life for themselves. In the following report, conclusive proof is respectfully presented to the court which conclusively proves that heroin abuse doe not cause a person to commit a crime. Criminal behavior is a deliberate lifestyle choice. The cost of drug abuse and known crime is huge; however, as will be shown shortly, much of the drug related crime either goes unreported, unsolved or not connected to drug abuse. The problem is pervasive both in the UK and within the United States. As early as 1998 it was estimated that in the UK alone the cost of drug offenders within the criminal justice system was conservatively set at  £1 billion per year, and that is just the beginning. Police in the UK estimate that approximately 50% of the drug related crime is hidden.1 This will be shown in detail shortly, but, in effect, either drug related crimes are not reported, are not solved, or the offender is convicted of the crime but it is not linked to drug abuse. The relationship between drug abuse and criminality has been noted empirically since the 1960s. However, it was not until the following decade that the extent and nature of this causal relationship began to be understood. As early as 1974 Greenberg and Adler’s study concluded that heroin use could not be linked to criminal behaviour as the vast majority of the subjects in their study possessed a long history of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Challenges for Military Organizations in Peacetime and Wartime Essay

Challenges for Military Organizations in Peacetime and Wartime - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the questions that arise are whether innovations in military organizations are required during peacetime or must they be made during the course of a war. Military innovations refer to conceptual changes in operations of specific combat arms and mutual relation between different combat arms. The idea is to pave the way for a new mission by abandoning traditional missions. Such innovations define war in a new way and restructure the relationship between different factors of the military organization and the enemy. The operations are designed so that they are consistent with the new ideas. Innovations focus is on major military activities based on which war plans are made. Military innovations are subjected to various challenges. The general belief that defeat in war provides an incentive for military innovation is not technically correct. The complexities in the bureaucratic system during peacetimes make innovation extremely difficult. T here are many cases where military innovations have taken place after victory in a war, and not defeat. When officers are incorporated in the army they are prepared to follow orders without question. They become so habituated with the existing concepts that with the passage of years the ideas get deeply embedded within their minds so much so that no amount of reasoning or argument can make them abandon the established ideas. Only by studying the nature of military organizations, the need for innovations can be explained.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Exercise is Good for Your Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exercise is Good for Your Health - Essay Example remote controls, automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc. We have created this easy and comfortable life. Unfortunately this trend in workplaces and living areas is taking our lives into pitfalls by making us lethargic and passive. We are going against our health that too, without much realisation. Overuse and overview of these items restricting our diverse physical movements, and still we are calling it as a wonderful life. This wonderful life has many bad implications due to lack of regular physical activity. To slip into an inactive lifestyle is very easy. Irony is that, do we really want our life to be dull, lazy with all ill health effects Id like to tell you in detail why Im so concerned about our inactivity. I would like you to show how exercise can pay off? This would persuade you to go out and do some exercise. A. Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide, is caused by lack of enough exercise. Clogged arteries and veins are a result of inactivity. Our sedentary lifestyle is a major contributing factor, which increase chances of high blood pressure. It is estimated that in the UK, about 36% deaths in men are from heart disease and in women this number goes to 38%. And these deaths are associated with physical inactivity ( B. Our eating habits like fat diet and our failure to exercise our body leads to unwanted overweight. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated 400,000 obesity-related deaths annually in United States in 2004 (Sullum, 2006). High fat diet produces high levels of cholesterol in our blood, which in turns leads to plaque in our arteries. Overweight people have high risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and psychological illness (factual example - Camenzind). C. The incidences of bad implications of sedentary

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ottoman Empire - Essay Example The Empire was a strong force in the Middle East and it had extended its territories to all the sides. The Byzantine capital, Constantinople fell in the hands of the Ottoman ruler, Mehmed II thus making an end to the Roman Empire. After the fall of Roman Empire in 1453 the Ottoman Empire witnessed a fast extension to far and wide. In the 15th and 16th century the Empire was extended to Europe, Africa, and Asia. It was during the period of the emperor, Suleiman the Magnificent who ruled during the 16th century witnessed the golden age of the Empire. He had made use the agencies like military and government efficiently and further through magnificent administration of both economy and military he could capture many of the places on all sides of his boundary. The Ottoman Empire’s contribution to the world is immense in the fields of art and architect, military, economic measures and administrative reforms. It can be witnessed that the dominance of the Empire in the golden age tur ned to be a defect in the decline period. So, in the present essay, an attempt is made to analyze the areas as, government and administration, military strength and economic power of the Ottoman Empire in golden age and in decline period. ... The sultans ruled the empire by the help of the imperial council headed by the Prime Minister (New Challenges for Africa and the Islamic World 1450-1750, p.476). But, towards the 17th and 18th centuries political changes caused for the decline of the empire. â€Å"The practice of raising the ruler’s sons as indulged prisoners in the palace to prevent rebellions contributed to a long series of uninformed, inexperienced, and often debauched sultans and shahs† (Africa, Southwest Asia, and India in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Ch.6 p.189-190). The emperor governed the country through different religious communities but these communities later became powerful and so the emperor’s control over them was weakened (Africa, Southwest Asia, and India in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p.479). Moreover, the Ottoman state was not centralized and so the control of the imperial was difficult. All these factors of loose administration and changes contribut ed for its decline which came in the 18th century. Military Strength: Military strength was the once the major domain of the Ottoman Empire. Until 1600 the weapons used by the Ottomans were the supreme in Europe. â€Å"The Ottomans adopted gunpowder weapons, especially cannons, which were often built and operated by mercenary Hungarian Christians in Ottoman service† (New Challenges for Africa and the Islamic World 1450-1750, p.476). Until 1600 the weapons used by the Ottomans were the supreme in Europe. The navy of the Ottoman led by the Muslim refugees from Spain was very excellent (New Challenges for Africa and the Islamic World 1450-1750, p.476). The Ottoman military during its golden age was very

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Essay

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives - Essay Example At that time, agents collected taxes through the Department of Treasury. In 1886, the government established the Revenue laboratory, though at that time it dealt primarily with agricultural issues. The lab has advanced greatly since then, entering its second century with a staff of chemists, document analysts, latent print specialists, and firearms and tool mark examiners. The duties of the office shifted again in 1919 when ratification of the 18th Amendment together with the Volstead Prohibition Enforcement Act outlawed alcohol. Revenue officers, termed "revenoors," were now responsible for investigating "criminal violations of the Internal Revenue law" (ATF online), which included the illegal manufacture of liquors. With the new duties came a new name, the Prohibition Unit. Less than a decade later, on April 1, 1927, the unit became the Bureau of Prohibition. By July 1, 1930, the agency's duties and name changed yet again, when Congress transferred "the penal provisions of the national prohibition Act" (ATF online) to the Department of Justice's new Bureau of Prohibition. This move for the first time put the agency under the Justice Department, and did away with the Treasury Department's Bureau of Prohibition. ... This move for the first time put the agency under the Justice Department, and did away with the Treasury Department's Bureau of Prohibition. However, "tax-related and regulatory activities" (ATF online) stayed at the Treasury Department under the new Bureau of Industrial Alcohol. Three years later, on December 5, 1933, the Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution repealed prohibition, once again changing the focus and duties of the Bureau. To deal with the sudden boom of legal alcohol production and sales, President Franklin Roosevelt created, through the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Federal Alcohol Control Administration (FACA). "The FACA, in cooperation with the Departments of Agriculture and Treasury, endeavored to guide wineries and distilleries under a system based on brewers' voluntary codes of fair competition (ATF Online)." The bureau was once again in the business of regulating. The FACA was to be short-lived; however, as President Roosevelt replaced it less than two years later in August 1935 by signing the Federal Alcohol Administration Act. This Act is still the basis for the agency's functions today, though the ATF has taken on other duties since the Act took effect. In 1934, the prohibition enforcement duties fell to the newly established Alcohol Tax Unit, a division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, which was still housed in the Department of Treasury. At the same time the FAA, also housed in the Department of Treasury, was responsible for collecting data, establishing license and permit requirements, and defining "the regulations that ensure an open, fair marketplace for the alcohol industry and the consumer (ATF online)." In 1940, the two units merged. Gun-wielding crime lords led

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE SUBJECT TO CYCLE LOADING - Research Proposal Example Increasing the number of cycles beneath this stage ensures that the failure occurs and consequently, the crack of the material ought to come in next (Liu, 2009, 65). Other metals like aluminium do not have any distinctive limits and even a small oscillation may have the material reach its fatigue limit. Such cases have made scientists set a number of cycles, usually 10, as the average fatigue life of the material (Kennedy, 2008, 44). When the cycles go beyond the set threshold of the material, cracks start forming on the material and an attempt to stop the cycles does not yield any benefits as a microscopic crack may have the entire product destroyed beyond any point of repair. Shape of a structure definitely has a large impact on the fatigue life of the given material. This is from the fact that a product with a triangular shape has weak lines of force and a minute change in the oscillation pattern or rather an increase in the number of cycles may have it reach its end point rather fast (Comit, 2011, 46). Understanding the composition of concrete in order to reach the crack of the material comes in very imperative. In this case, the material may not have the stated metal necessary for the fatigue life to reach a certain age. Most of the times, the material stated is a metal such as aluminium and has the shape of a triangle. This has it that only a number of cycles lead to the concrete composition level that eventually breaks down the material (Harman, 2010, 53). For alloys, it is difficult to establish the exact amount of concrete required to break the material. One consequently has to work with an average figure depending on the most common point. This however is not preferred by many people due to accumulative values that may place the commodity in a tight place when it comes to marketing of the end material (Jerina, 2010, 78). One

M4A2- Program Evaluation Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M4A2- Program Evaluation Method - Essay Example The company uses web beacons to collect and provide data about users by clicking on banner graphics, then storing the information on remote server. They are efficient to track data across multiple domains (Boehm, 1997). The company uses â€Å"information system† which is a network of software and hardware used to collect create and distribute data. The information system used by organizations to capture, transmit, store and retrieve information for the benefit of controlling the performance of the business, and produce specific products and services for customers (Bolcer, 2009). The company’s goal is to ensure that the target growth is attained at the end of the stipulated period. The company’s mission is to bring data to the masses and making data-driven decision making a reality by building a sustainable data infrastructure and knowing where each team member fits in building an efficient organizational structure. Every serious business contains boundaries that are agreed upon by both parties, that is, stakeholders and the program evaluator. Successful business professionals constantly ask themselves â€Å"what can I do and not do about this problem†? .This is an ethical question which if not addressed by evaluators in their boundaries can lead to practical difficulties and ethical violations that can threaten the project. Stakeholders in the project include current and potential funders, community partners, professional colleagues and consumers. The stakeholders will be interested in hearing about the program to ensure they will use the evaluation results. The questions will arise out of the goals and objectives in the program description, planning and the stated needs of the stakeholders. These evaluation questions will provide the foundation and direction for the evaluation with the stakeholders. In designing questions the convergent

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Oxygen Saturation Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Oxygen Saturation - Lab Report Example My control variables were the temperature of the water, and the pH level of the water. Other, un-measureable variables included the main food supply and natural predators of the gammarus pulex. The Kick-Sampling method was used in this experiment and was found to be effective in accurately determining the number of shrimps at a specific site. Due to my findings, I have concluded the null hypothesis to be false. The number of shrimps per site is directly related to the dissolved oxygen content of said site. There will be more gammarus pulex (fresh-water shrimps) present within a fresh-water habitat in accordance with the increase of the concentration of dissolved oxygen. If there is a greater amount of oxygen in the water, which may be affected by organic pollution, then there will be more oxygen available for the respiration of aquatic species living in the stream. As aerobic organisms, the fresh water shrimp require oxygen for their survival. I believe that Fresh-water habitats with greater amounts of dissolved oxygen will attract more gammarus pulex. This apparatus is used to measure the flow rate of water at different sites of the river Riber Brook. It is needed due to the current preference of the gammarus pulex. This meter will be able to alleviate, or bring to attention, the possible reasons for species diversity. This spoon will be used to count the ... 15 water sample bottles Impellor/ flow meter This apparatus is used to measure the flow rate of water at different sites of the river Riber Brook. It is needed due to the current preference of the gammarus pulex. This meter will be able to alleviate, or bring to attention, the possible reasons for species diversity. Oxygen meter The Oxygen meter is used to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in the river Riber Brook. It is needed to record the oxygen saturation, which will be compared to the amount of gammarus pulex. Plastic spoon This spoon will be used to count the number of shrimps at each specific location, which will then be transferred into the palette. It is necessary to count the shrimps in order to compare to the amount of oxygen in each site. Temperature This will be used to measure the temperature at test locations of the river Riber Brook. Temperature can affect oxygen concentration of water, so it is necessary in order to be able to explain any abnormal amount of dissolved oxygen. Palette This is used to collect and count the number of fresh water shrimps present. It was also used to ensure the shrimp's welfare in the test. pH probe This probe will be used to measure the pH of certain test sites of the water of the river Riber Brook. An abnormal pH could affect the number of shrimps collected. pH levels are recorded in order to adequately assess findings. Pond net This pond net is used to collect the sample of shrimp from the river. The net is used due to its efficiency at procuring shrimps, as well as its gentleness to the shrimp. Plastic tray ( deep tray) This will be used to hold the sample obtained from the net, so that fresh water shrimps can be identified. I have used a tray in order to ensure the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Impacts Of Aids Essay Example for Free

The Impacts Of Aids Essay Although the AIDS epidemic has occurred in a period when social conservatives have been politically dominant in most Western societies increasing the stigma against homosexuals and homosexuality, it has also translated into much greater recognition of the homosexual community and a homosexual movement, in most Western democracies. As the 1980s progressed, the gay and lesbian community increasingly realized the devastating impact of AIDS on gay men. The complex of diseases called AIDS was first discovered among gay men in 1981. From the first moment the gay male community became aware of AIDS (which was first called GRID—gay-related immune deficiency), it responded politically. By the end of the summer in 1981, a group of gay men had already met at author Larry Kramers apartment in New York City and had established the Gay Mens Health Crisis (GMHC)—the largest AIDS organization in the country today. It is not, of course, homosexuals who are at risk for AIDS but rather those who practice certain forms of unsafe sex. This distinction between behavior and identity, which often seems academic, is in fact vital to a rational understanding of AIDS. Because the media and the public generally do not make these distinctions, gay and AIDS have become conflated, so that the public perception of homosexuality becomes largely indistinguishable from its perception of AIDS. This, in turn, has two consequences: (1) It causes unnecessary discrimination against all those who are identified as gay and lesbians, and (2) it also means that people who are not perceived (and do not perceive themselves) as engaging in high-risk behaviors can deny that they are at risk of HIV infection. As the gay movement matured in the 1970s, however, it made more concrete demands of governments, pressing for antidiscrimination ordinances and for financial support for gay organizations and activities. But, in large part, the gay movement retained an adversarial relationship with the government, a relationship made possible because of the movements emphasis on self-assertion (coming out) and challenging social stigma. All this changed with the appearance of AIDS. Demands for government-funded research were first made by New Yorks Gay Mens Health Crisis, the first community-based AIDS organization. And the demands have not stopped there: Governments are asked to support research, patient care, services, and education programs. Inevitably such demands involve gay participation in the processes of government—policy-making, membership on liaison committees, day-to-day contact with bureaucrats, and so forth. But the process has been two-way. Governments have understood that to research the disease, to provide the necessary services, and to bring about the behavioral changes (primary prevention) believed to be the most effective strategies against the spread of the disease, contact with the most affected groups is required. AIDS has thus forced governments to recognize organizations they had previously ignored, and this has resulted in strengthened gay organizations, often with the help of state resources. As a generalization, the response of gay groups and those working in local AIDS education and advocacy programs has been to stress large-scale education about primary prevention, while conservative medical, political, and religious figures have emphasized widespread testing for the HIV antibody and restrictive legislation. The issue of testing for HIV antibodies among high-risk populations has been a major debate in most Western countries. AIDS organizations have generally argued that large-scale testing is undesirable and that mandatory testing of high-risk groups will compel those infected with the AIDS virus go underground out of the mainstream of health care and education. As the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) argued: The experience of the gay community—the only group where significant prevention and risk-reduction programs have taken place—demonstrates that education and counseling, not testing, are critical to changing behavior. Not everyone needs or desires to know his/her antibody status. No one should be forced into that position, particularly given the potentially severe social, legal and economic ramifications of testing. The NGLTFs anti-testing position is further strengthened by the fact that test results often obtain false positives for the presence of HIV antibodies. It is easy to portray this dispute over testing as one that pits public health advocates against proponents of gay rights. In reality, the dispute centers on different conceptions of public health: Those who oppose mandatory testing are concerned that the fear of discrimination resulting from seropositive results will force those most at risk to avoid needed testing, counseling, and contact with support services. It is vital to understand the extent to which discrimination (real and perceived) against AIDS carriers is a factor, and how it is strengthened every time a politician or religious figure talks of quarantine or isolation. Certain sorts of discrimination are justified in the interests of public health, and reasonable people can disagree about the balance—as was true in the protracted debate in San Francisco concerning the gay bathhouses. But few diseases in recent history have led to as many stringent proposals to restrict the rights of those affected, and even fewer have led to claims for discrimination against all members of high-risk groups, whether or not they were actually ill or contagious. Fear of AIDS has elicited a welter of irrational reactions based on the stereotyping of homosexuals. The U.S. Justice Department has ruled that persons with AIDS may be dismissed from their jobs because of fear of transmission, even where such fears are not medically supported; some state courts and legislatures, however, have taken an opposite position. Fear of AIDS was invoked by the state of Georgia in its successful defense of its antisodomy law before the Supreme Court in 1986. A number of governments (including the United States) have sought to make evidence of HIV-antibody-free (noncarrier) status a requirement for immigration or even entry; in West Germany this provision has led to a bitter dispute between the Interior and Health ministries. Fear of and hostility toward those with AIDS most clearly overlaps with more generalized homophobia in the attempts by some politicians and a number of fundamentalists to use the epidemic to argue against homosexual rights. In the eyes of the religious right, AIDS is literally viewed as a God-given opportunity to reverse social attitudes toward homosexuality, which have grown more tolerant over the past decade; in English-speaking countries particularly, fundamentalists have invoked fire-and-brimstone rhetoric to argue that AIDS is evidence of Gods wrath. Gay groups have quickly learned which aspects of the political system are most amenable to pressure; in the United States, at a national level, this has involved working through the courts (a vast number of AIDS-related cases are already working their way through the judicial system) and, especially, sympathetic members of Congress. Among the groups most affected by AIDS, only the homosexuals have been able to mobilize and articulate political demands. The publics perception of the disease therefore continues to be more closely linked with homosexuals than its epidemiology suggests. In the United States this is further complicated by racial divisions and intravenous drug use, as a far higher proportion of AIDS cases that are not sexually transmitted are found among blacks and Hispanics than among whites. Even now one feature of AIDS organizations is the under representation of people of color, including homosexuals. Even in countries where this is not a problem, the dominance of AIDS as an issue makes the gap between gay women and men increasingly more difficult to bridge; although many lesbians are heavily involved in AIDS work, most gay women cannot identify with AIDS as a central issue in the way true for many gay men. AIDS has mobilized more gay men into political and community organizations, although not into specific demonstrations and marches, than any other event in the short history of the gay movement. In every major city of the United States, Canada, Australasia, and most of northern Europe, the appearance of AIDS has led thousands of gay men (and others) to volunteer in programs of care, support, counseling, and education. But this in turn creates several problems: It reinforces the publics misperception of the causal link between AIDS and homosexuality; it forces other issues off the gay movements agenda and monopolizes its attention; and it creates new tensions as dependence on government and the emergence of a new class of AIDS experts leads to growing strains within the movement. One could in fact posit that AIDS has created a shift in the leadership of the gay movement, accentuating the trend toward leaders who can claim professional expertise instead of activist credentials—a move already under way during the late 1970s. This has been most obvious in the rise to prominence of openly gay medical doctors, who have been able to use their professional skills and sexual identity to claim a certain legitimacy in the eyes of government; groups like the American Physicians for Human Rights have become prominent within the gay movement largely because of the epidemic. But the new leadership also includes those skilled in legislative and bureaucratic lobbying, and one consequence of this shift has been to reduce the representativeness of leadership in terms of class, race, and age. Observing the gay movement, AIDS has changed the movement in ways none of us could have anticipated in the much headier days of the 1970s. Obviously the stakes are higher: However important law reform was, it does not compare with the urgent need to respond to an epidemic that in some cities (New York, San Francisco, Houston, Copenhagen, Sydney) was striking nearly every gay man. In response, new people have come into the movement; many gay men who had hitherto regarded gay politics as irrelevant, have become the front-line activists because of AIDS. But many experienced activists have found that AIDS has turned them into professionals; the people who run the large organizations, such as GMHC, the Terence Higgins Trust, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, the AIDS Council of New South Wales, and so forth, spend much of their time now dealing with government bureaucrats, health-system managers, and various authorities whom they had once denounced as the enemy. Unconsciously, certain forms of co-optation inevitably take place; governments fund jobs, trips, and conferences, and those who take part begin to see things differently. Thus, a new tension develops within the rank-and-file, many of whom came into AIDS work as volunteers concerned to look directly after the sick and dying, who feel estranged from the new bureaucrats their own movement seems to have spawned. It is difficult to speak of the impact of AIDS without speaking of the changing perceptions of homosexuals, so intertwined are the two in the public imagination. AIDS seems to have heightened both the stigma and the respectability of homosexuals; in unraveling this apparent contradiction, we can come to terms with certain crucial social changes. The common assumption is that AIDS has been responsible for reversing, or at least halting, a gradual social acceptance of homosexuality as an alternate life-style, an acceptance that had grown out of changes in sexual mores and the commercialization of sexuality during the 1970s. It is not hard to point to the hostile rhetoric, increased antigay violence, and the quite considerable discrimination directly linked to AIDS. Evidence of increased violence directed against homosexuals, much of it linked to AIDS, was recognized by a special congressional hearing in late 1986.The reality may well be that the response to AIDS thus far has largely been a reflection of the extent to which preceding gay-rights struggles had achieved a place in the political process for gay organizations; AIDS has thus highlighted a process already under way. The point has often been made that the epidemiology of AIDS would have been very different in most Western countries had it not been for the expansion of gay sexual networks in the 1970s. Equally, the response of governments would have been very different—and almost certainly slower and more repressive—if this expansion had not also been accompanied by the growth of gay political organizations that provided a basis for the development of community-based groups in response to the epidemic. At the level of conventional liberal political analysis, the case of AIDS bears out the adage that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. AIDS has brought issues of central concern to the gay movement onto the mainstream political agenda: at an enormous price the gay movement has become a recognized actor in the politics of health policymaking. Political will and mobilization can have a large effect on the social impact of the disease. The growing impact of AIDS on the American population forced activists to broaden their constituency. Some of the groups were also socially stigmatized and had even fewer resources than the gay community. Occasionally, they had segments who voiced their discomfort with or disapproval of homosexuality. When it came to matters of strategy, AIDS activists even had increasing conflicts with gay and lesbian political elites within the community over political priorities. The politics of AIDS activism forced gay and lesbian activists to have increased interaction with federal, state, and local governments, thereby transforming the lesbian and gay communitys relation with the state. Community-based organizations received government funding and participated in policymaking to a much greater extent than ever before. The AIDS movement has had a significant impact on government research, public health policies, and government funding of treatment, care, and education. This government funding has created large-scale institutions with jobs and career possibilities that did not exist in the lesbian and gay communities before the epidemic. These economic and institutional developments have had two major effects on the gay and lesbian communities. First, they have encouraged lesbian and gay political institutions to engage more with other communities, governmental agencies, and mainstream institutions. Second, they have transformed the class structure of gay and lesbian leadership. The new jobs and career possibilities attracted a generation of leaders who were upwardly mobile and educated at elite universities and colleges. In the past, gay men such as this might have pursued conventional careers. Now, though, many of them were infected with the virus that causes AIDS and took up AIDS activism to fight for their lives. The older generation of leaders had chosen gay political life as an alternative to mainstream careers. Very early on in the epidemic, however, AIDS devastated the founding generation both physically and emotionally. A new generation soon displaced the older one. AIDS had decimated the gay male community, had forced it to reach out to other communities, and had seriously undermined its economic and cultural self-sufficiency. The countervailing pressures of gay and lesbian identity politics and of AIDS activism produced a political situation that required a new perspective—one that conceived of identity as stable, but also recognized the incredible diversity within the community. The perspective needed to account for the kinship of all sexual minorities and the range of possible gender roles, ethnic, and racial identities. Works Cited Adam, B. D. The rise of a gay and lesbian movement. New York: Twayne Publishers.1995. Bell, G. AIDS in Australia, Sydney Bulletin , 17 March 1987 Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. Harrington Park Press, 2002. Cante, Richard C. Gay Men and the Forms of Contemporary US Culture. London: Ashgate Publishing. March 2008 ISBN 0 7546 7230 1. Dynes, Wayne R. 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